O-Logs FIB Report Systeme 📋

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O-Logs FIB Report Systeme 📋 O-Logs FIB Report Systeme 📋

FIB Report Systeme 📋
A clean, beautiful, responsive website white discord webhook integration to make FIB patrol report for GTA RP !

Features 📋
⚡️ Fully Responsive
⚡️ Valid HTML5 & CSS3
⚡️ Easy to modify

Installation & Deployment 📦
– Clone the repository and modify the content of index.html according to your requirement.
– Add or remove images from `./assets/` directory as per your requirement.
– I highly recommend to use Github Pages (https://create-react-app.dev/docs/deployment/#github-pages) to deploy the website the EASIEST WAY.
– To deploy your website, first you need to create github repository with name `.github.io`. Please don’t give any other name.
– Push the generated code to the `master` branch of this repository.
– NOTE: Make sure to set `analyticsId` from your Google Analytics account inside the Google Analytics script tag, if you want to use your own Google Analytics account.

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Réinitialiser le mot de passe

Veuillez saisir votre identifiant ou votre adresse e-mail. Un lien permettant de créer un nouveau mot de passe vous sera envoyé par e-mail.